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Hypersmooth and Digital Lens other than SuperView are your enemies. Well… enemies of the best video quality you cah get from your Go Pro Hero 10. I found out the hard way, so I would like to spare you the frustration, time and efforts. Keep on reading.

After I got frustrated that my video shot on Go Pro Hero 10 sucks despite all of my efforts, I decided to find the exact reason, as I was certain the culprit was hidden somewhere in my settings.

After running extensive field tests, I found out that the loss of video quality is connected specifically with high values of Hypersmooth settings in combination with the different options for Digital Lenses.

Go Pro Hero 10 is able to produce amazing videos, but you need to be aware which settings affect negatively your video quality and avoid them when possible.

My recommendation is to stick to Superview digital Lens whenever possible and to stabilize your footage with additional gimbal or tripod and avoid alltogether Hypersmooth, but in case you need to use it, limit the settings to Normal and never go for Boost as this significantly lowers the quality of your video.

For more details, sample footage and test results check out the video. You can navigate to the relevant section by navigating the chapters. See also whether the new hydrophobic lens cover can win against dog saliva.