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The Dharma Bums
Yet another of Keroauc books and my teenage years. This one a bit more philosophical, dreamy, abstract and even a bit dark.
It is a valuable addition to “On the Road”, but I wouldn’t recommend to start your journey into Kerouac with this one.
Sidenote: the scene where the two friends were jumping from boulder to boulder, while descending down the mountain, is something imprinted in my memory so deeply emotionally, that it has made me a lifetime fan of mountains and boulders.
More details from Amazon:
“First published in 1958, a year after On the Road put the Beat Generation on the map, The Dharma Bums stands as one of Jack Kerouac’s most powerful and influential novels.
The story focuses on two ebullient young Americans–mountaineer, poet, and Zen Buddhist Japhy Ryder, and Ray Smith, a zestful, innocent writer – whose quest for Truth leads them on a heroic odyssey, from marathon parties and poetry jam sessions in San Francisco’s Bohemia to solitude and mountain climbing in the High Sierras.”
If you want to read more about the book or buy it please do it by visiting Amazon by following this link