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Travel books

Here you will find the books I recommend for travellers. Some of them are pure travel guides, others are travellogues, there are some historic books, also fiction books which are inspiring for wanderlust, scientific books which can help you understand better the Earth and nature, different cultures and societies on our planet. I have also listed survival guides and other books I find useful for my travels around the world. 

You can click on each of the book covers in order to read my reasons for recommending this specific book. I have also tagged them by geography and type (travellogue, biographical, historic, inspirationsl, usefull, etc) to make it easier for you to navigate. 


Disclaimer: some of the books have an affiliate Buy link to amazon’s website. If you like a book and buy it through this affiliate link I will get a small comission, which will help me to make this website better and more useful. Thank you!

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